Showcasing art installation and sculpture work on the internet remains challenging for the artists. The artist may feel confused which work to display on their website. It is necessary to take the best quality pictures so that it precisely depict those pieces.
If you are an artist and create 3D works, you can include your artworkon your website by thinking on a different note. We have explained some works and website of the artists who focus on installation and sculpture in this blog.
Angie Seykora
Angie Seykora is an artist who is from Nebraska. This artist is renowned for working with various kinds of materials. Most of her materials are recycled and easily found objects. She aims to create beautiful and attractive art using such materials. She is also experienced in printmaking and painting. She has used grid-based website structure to provide overviews of each feature of her artwork in distinct galleries. To check her website, click https://www.angieseykora.com/. She has used order as her website format theme.
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Valeria Yamamoto
Valeria Yamamoto is an artist who is basically Japanese-Argentinian. At present, the artist is working in Miami, Florida. Majority of her works are inspired by nature and it is the reason her works are often organic and abstract. Her experience range from delicate pieces, small scale to gigantic public artworks made using cement. She has divided her online portfolio into clear sections like public art, installation,and sculpture. This way, it remains easy for navigation and browsing. To visit her website, click http://www.valeriayamamoto.com/. She has used Sun as her website format theme.
Jonathan Froud
Jonathan Froud is a popular British artist who has exhibited his artworks at Serpentine London and Tate Modern and also displayed in a solo exhibition in Liverpool- The Walker Gallery. The online portfolio of Froud is divided into two sections of works like landscape galleries and sculpture galleries. He has displayed both of his practice with attractive outdoor pieces that are enthused by natural forms. Sierra is the format theme used by the artist Jonathan Froud. The website of this artist is https://www.jonathanfroud.com/.
Timothy Hodkinson
He has experience in photography, video, installation,and sculpture. Timothy Hodkinsonhasa wide range of experience in art varying from themes and media. He has included a brief caption in each portfolio pictures that gives a clear idea about his work. He has added sufficient images displaying each installation and sculpture from various angles offering the detailed look of the work of the artist. He has used the theme grace for his website. To visit his website, click https://www.timothyhodkinson.com/.
Pamela Simard
Pamela Simard is a Canadian artist who is currently pursuing MFA in Dimensional studies and sculpture. The online portfolio displays works developed using materials such as silicone caulk, plaster,and wood. She has used ora as her website theme. To visit her website, click https://www.pamelasimard.com/.
PiaAntonsenRognes is a Norweigan artist who is popular for developing organic looking and captivating sculptures. The portfolio is completely filled with images and provides an impressive viewing experience. The format theme of this artist website is Sun. To check the website, click http://www.piaarognes.com/.