Technology is omnipresent, whether y

Technology Can Enhance the Art Room

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Technology Has the Potential to Improve Art Rooms Technology is omnipresent, whether you like it or not, and it will only continue to expand and become a vital component of education. Technology is already finding its way into classrooms as educators and developers produce new solutions to better education.” It is vital in the art studio to strike a balance […]

Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new expressive tools.

Technology And Art: Engineering The Future

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Consider art. What’s the deal in it? Perhaps Rodin, Dali, or Picasso. Possibly. Consider technology now, and perhaps a smartphone or computer will recognize you. Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new expressive tools. These two seemingly unrelated professions are now more than ever intertwined with technology, which is a driving force in the creation and evolution of art. […]