Creative Spoon Holder With Wine Corks.

DIY Projects : A Mark of your Creativity

Everyone wants to own a beautiful home. Not that it has to be the talk of the town or the cynosure of all eyes. But because home is where the heart is, everyone wants to do their bit to spruce up their little or big nest.

To do that, you don’t need to go on a shopping spree to Ikea or any fancy store. The trick is to be smart and get creative and innovative with what you can find at home and in the simple stationery shop. Imagine the awe-struck faces of family and friends when they find out you did the decor by yourself!

In this article, we’ve put together some of the easiest and most affordable DIY crafts for home decoration. These projects will help to bring out the hidden artistic flair in you. Try them all and make your home a beautiful place without going bankrupt!

Uncover More About : Coconut Shell Crafts

DIY Crafts For Your Hall and Living Room

The good old wine cork

Wine corks are so versatile, that they can be used to make so many big and small things to decorate your house. After you’ve read this, you will not throw out even a single one!

Paint some of the corks in bright colours or ombre shades and nail them on to a wooden board. Put up the board in your room and use it to hang your necklaces, ties, or any light-weight articles that are lying around.

Wine corks can also be sliced into round pieces. Use a glue gun to stick them on a photo frame. Or even better, frame your living room mirror with these cork pieces to give that dull mirror a cool and contemporary look.

DIY Night Stand With Old Table.

DIY Night Stand

Stop! Don’t discard your old table. Instead, cut them into equal halves and paint them in the same or different colours. Fix the table near your bed and use it as a night stand to keep your phone, watch or glasses.

Being creative with the corners.

Most houses have a boring corner stand with a few books or knick-knacks as means to use up the corner space. This place in the house is aplenty. There are four corners in each room or hall. Here’s what you can do to completely change the corner space:

  • Create a reading nook. Spread out an old, cosy looking rug on the floor and throw in some cushions. Use a curved curtain rod to hang up some curtains in the corner. You can also add an extra light for reading. Or simply use the space to relax with your pet.
  • Get out a bottle of black paint and start doodling your favourite corner in your room. Get more creative and add colours. This will truly be a testimony of your artistic streak !!
  • Fish out that old, antique brass pot or vessel that your grandma once used in her kitchen. Plant a decorative indoor plant in it and place it in the corner. Voila!! That touch of greenery will surely soothe your nerves!

DIY Projects For Your Kitchen And Bathroom

DIY Night Stand With Old Table.

Chalkboard Wall decoration

A chalkboard works great for kitchens and dining rooms too. Paint a chalkboard in any available space. Use it to creatively write the day’s menu, grocery list, to-do lists or even rules for kids!

Simple customized shelves

These shelves can ramp up your storage space without putting a strain on your purse. All you will need are wooden racks and some hobby lobby brackets. Use your simple drilling tools to hold them in place in your kitchen or bathroom.

Mosaic CD Mirror

Time to use all those old CDs! Break up the CDs into smaller pieces with random shapes. Take your bathroom mirror and stick the CD pieces all around the frame of the mirror. Use different types of CD’s to give it a different look.

Storage baskets in the bathroom

Artfully cover some old cardboard boxes in colourful paper and wrap some twine or rope along the sides to give it a rustic look. Secure the rope with hot glue and allow it to dry. This little basket can now hold all the extra towels and toiletries in the bathroom.

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