Educational Workshop Photography

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A journey through the history of photography to tell the children who “look is to listen”; images that encapsulate the mood is not contaminated by the thought, in a timeless space, and reveal the wandering soul to the search for beauty. Uncover More About : Community Art Series: Larry Bechtel Sculpture

Event “Where have all the flowers gone?”

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The traveling exhibition “WHERE ARE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?” VIARIGI (AT), CASTELBELLINO ART 2015, CASTAGNOLE MONFERRATO 2016. The artists selected Paolo Berti, Silvia Bibbo, Catia Briganti, Maria Elena Danelli, Iris Devasini, Anna Iskra Donati, Ilaria Franza, Apple Luque, Mauro Malafronte, Gianni Manfrotto, Erica Mauri, Piergiorgio Panelli, Andrea Pollastro, Elisabetta Raviola, Lorena Robino, Gabriella Siciliano, Massimo Volponi have faced the task […]